Thursday, May 10, 2012


Here I am sitting on the couch. Sick. Bleh. Blogging on my phone. Have to get used to it lol.

So on Saturday I started getting sick I was on the couch all day sleeping while Princess watched netflix on the TV. Everything hurt. If anything cold ir cooler than my body it would shoot a dull pain throughout my body. The bad part was Hubs had to work that day and work late.

I started to feel slightly better the next few days but then yesterday hit me. A runny nose, a stuffy nose, and the thing I hate the most: a bad cough. I just had to walk to the mail box by the time I got back inside I had to use my heating pad on my chest because it hurt so bad and my cough picked up. It is awful. Hubs got it too and came home early and went to bed without the cough (yay!) Princess had a runny nose and a slight cough (not my baby girl!)

Last night since I can't take cold meds I ended up having to use half a sleeping pill (Dr said it was fine) and I was finally able to get some rest despite the horrid cough. This morning however I woke up when Hubs alarm was going off and I had to run to the bathroom and was throwing up (not fun) when will this nightmare end!? So Hubs stayed with me today to take care of me and Princess.

Baby Update:
Little bean kicked for Hubs last night :D
I'll post more baby tomorrow so I can put my phone down and take a nap.

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