Thursday, December 19, 2013


Bleh I've been sick and getting no time to myself ever. Not sleeping well because Elizabeth won't sleep through the night and Lily gets up at 7:30 every morning.

The ultrasound went great. Jellybaby is measuring on track! Yay! I'll post a picture for you too. Also the heart rate was at 171bpm.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I'm such a fail

So I've been so sick with morning sickness and raising a toddler and a preschool age daughter who is 4 going on 17. Life got away and Tiny Chicken Disease struck the house {aka the common cold. Thanks vlogbrothers for the new fun name for something not fun.

So I'm going to be 9 weeks tomorrow and I just had an appointment {FINALLY} for my first prenatal  visit. However, our dr is a little concerned so he moved the ultrasound appointment from two Mondays from not to tonight. I'm insanely nervous and a little scared and trying to keep myself busy today. I'm so thankful my husband can work from home if needed. I promise how're, I will update on what happened tonight along with start the pregnancy update posts. I've been waiting  for the ultrasound to get the a better estimate of the due date.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Here We Go!

Alright! So I'm finally allowed to tell you guys! We told the family and everyone on facebook. So now it's your turn! I'm pregnant with Jelly Baby #3!

Lily's so excited about another baby again! Elizabeth, well, she doesn't really understand or care. As long as I hold her she's happy lol.

I'm 7 weeks along and we couldn't be happier.

While I was taking the picture for the announcement Lily kept posing fot the camera. She's my little model that's for sure. I wanted to do all but the announcement, from the pictures I took, to be black and white. Mainly for two reasons:

  1. Because I was taught to edit and work with black and white photos first.
  2. Because I thought that the announcement would stand out more.

I had to keep this one she's just so cute out of all the posing she was doing this was one of the cutest things. I loved that I got something she didn't pose for.

Elizabeth was so excited to be outside and playing with leaves that I just had to follow her around and shot the pictures.

This was my favorite picture  of her.